Woof! Woof! Woof!

Welcome to Shoppy.Dog your friendly online shop and blog for doggies.

Shoppy is the place for doggie inspired things. We invest a lot of time into researching and finding the most unique and awesome gifts for your loved ones. Quality control is super important to us, that’s why we thoroughly check every supplier’s products to ensure you as a customer will receive the best quality goods for your favorite pet.  

Dogs are the best man’s friends and here at Shoppy, we cover a wide range of material related to dog training, best nutrition overviews, how-tos, doggie products, and much more to make sure you are well aware and know how to treat your little furry friend the right way and make them super happy.



Olga Aksenova

Olga is a true passionate dog lover! If she had an option to have 50 dogs :), she most definitely would. Her dog Orfield (Mini Yorkie), is the real inspiration behind all the research and amazing articles. Her goal is to help owners to understand their pets better, make pet suggestions, and of course advise and guide with doggie shopping. After all, happy doggie equals a happy owner!



Contact us

Just email us: olga.shoppy@gmail.com

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